Friday, March 26, 2010


David & Marcus
Abran Korn is the survival
He got married with a German lady.
He was 16 when all pf this was happening.
He died 1972

Mariah, Eddy & Rossy
Alfred Lessing
Our words past too fast.
But i think it was good.

Mitzi & Jenniffer
Erika Van Hesteren.
She got really sick because of something that happen to her in jail.
She got arrested because she was trying to hide and the Natzis caugth her.
She still alive

Ivanette & Elaine
Henny Juliard
She lost her job because she was Jewish.
In 1933 she wsa recobering from tubersuloisit.
She got an invitation to go to the trains so that the germasncould take the jews to the consentration.
She died

Joel & Armando
Helen L
Born feb.13.1931
I couldnt hear it.
They should of lower the music.

Lissette & Samanthaly
Rachel G
She wasnt religious but she turn religion.
She was adopted.
She is alive

Yasury & Argenis
Yudy Cohen
Her parents got killed.
Her sisters got separated.
All her brother died only one dint die and it was Lesley.
She alive

Jeydy & Dulce
Elizabeth Dejong
Its was too loud.
She is alive

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